by Alan Ewing BA (Hons), MSc, Cert HE
Earlier within the blogs cover was given to Donald Spoto's theory on Marilyn's death. The purpose of this blog is to update research into Miss Monroe's final moments given the updated research by Dr Richard Shepherd (2015). Dr Shepherd is renowned and respected for his work upon 9/11, 7/7, Stephen Lawrence and then examination of Princess Diana's body. In 2015 he undertook analysis of the medical documents relating to Marilyn Monroe's death, including the autopsy report as well as her Doctor's notes and prescriptions.
The evidence that Dr Shepherd uncovered is significant. Marilyn suffered from acute insomnia. A condition that related to her mental health stemming from her troubled childhood. In order to combat this her physician, Dr Engelberg prescribed Choral Hydrates, perhaps under pressure from Miss Monroe, in order to wean her off the previous prescription of Nembutal. When these two drugs are taken together then they form a lethal cocktail. It was a new prescription of Nembutal by Dr Engelberg, two days before her death that Dr Shepherd holds responsible for her death. The Choral Hydrates would have affected her short-term memory and so she would have repeatedly taken Nembutal thinking it was her first dosage. Engelberg was later to deny under oath in the 1982 investigation into Marilyn Monroe's death that he made the prescription, and yet a capsule of Nembutal was found on her bedside with his name clearly on it. Engelberg died in 2005.
The inquest came to the conclusion that "Probable Suicide" was the cause of her death and this was issued on the Death Certificate. It is clear from the research of Dr Shepherd (2015) that this was not the case. The conclusion that he reached is that "Accidental Death" due to medical negligence is the real answer to the puzzle.
'Chloral Hydrate and Nembutal taken together can have a fatal effect on the respiratory system'. It's curious that she should be given both drugs together.' - Dr Richard Shepherd
She was a powerful, beautiful and seductive woman, used to getting her own way and I can imagine that she would be very difficult to resist [if she was asking for the drug] but prescribing Nembutal on top of the Chloral Hydrate was like signing her death sentence.' - Dr Richard Shepherd
"This is a damning piece of evidence [for Dr Engelberg] and it's the final piece in the true story about the death of Miss Monroe.' - Dr Richard Shepherd

The reply from Jonathan R. Lucas M.d. Chief Examiner-Coroner to my inquiry about a revision of Marilyn Monroe's Death Certificate from "Probable Suicide" to "Accidental Death." Contents below, together with my response.
RE: 1962-81128 Marilyn Monroe email inquiry 5/24/2019
Mr. Ewing,
This correspondence is in response to your email from May 24, 2019, suggesting the manner of death in Marilyn Monroe’s case be changed from probable suicide to accident. Please accept my apologies for the length of time it took to get back to you.
According to your email and what can be read about Dr. Shepherd’s theory, this suggestion is based on Dr. Shepherd’s allegation that there was medical negligence related to Dr. Engelberg prescribing chloral hydrate and pentobarbital (Nembutal) to Ms. Monroe. Suicide is a determination based on the notion of self-harm and a volitional act, not on the availability of means. Even if, hypothetically, Dr. Engelberg’s prescriptions were considered medical negligence, it would not alter the reasoning for certifying the death as probable suicide.
After reviewing the entire file, including but not limited to the original autopsy report, toxicology report, and related investigative information, there does not appear to be any new evidence to support changing (amending) the death certificate.
For your reference, I am including a copy of the redacted file for your information. Thank you very much for your inquiry.
Jonathan R. Lucas, M.D. Chief Medical Examiner-Coroner
Jonathan R. Lucas, M.D. Chief Examiner-Coroner
I read with great disappointment your reply to my request for a review of Marilyn Monroe’s Death Certificate. It is quite clear that the administration of both drugs disabled Miss Monroe’s cognitive functions and therefore affected her short-term memory as to the doses that she was taking leading up to her death. It is this affect on her brain that excludes any possibility of conscious suicide.
I would request that you review this matter again. I would request a reopening of the whole case.
Kindest Regards,
Alan Ewing
NB My central point here is that due to cognitive dysfunction, regarding the cocktail of drugs, with short term memory in disarray, then Marilyn Monroe could not possibly have committed suicide. Dr Shepherd reached the conclusion that she would not have remembered how many tablets she had taken. The issue is not medical negligence, it is about intent, as you point out. There was no suicidal intent, hence accidental death.

Here being the reply to my second enquiry:with contents
Jonathan R. Lucas,M.D.

Here being the reply to my second enquiry:with contents
“Enriching Lives”
Jonathan R. Lucas,M.D.
Chief MedicalExaminer-Coroner
July 17, 2019
RE: 1962-81128 Marilyn Monroe email inquiry July 6 and July 7, 2019
Mr. Ewing,
This correspondence is in response to your emails from July 6 and July 7, 2019. The information
Dr. Shepherd presents does not appear to be new evidence, but rather a reinterpretation of the same fact set. The idea of Ms. Monroe taking pills more frequently due to impairment of short term memory, while possible, can neither be proven or excluded. That scenario and the one of taking many pills at once are not mutually exclusive.
It should be pointed out that the conclusion of probable suicide – and therefore intent – at that time was based on the entire investigation including a psychological evaluation, Ms. Monroe’s known history, as well as the toxicological findings.
Her death has been investigated – and revisited – thoroughly, and despite Dr. Shepherd’s interpretation of the pharmacology and toxicology, I do not see a need to extend the investigation further.
Thank you very much for your inquiry.
Jonathan R. Lucas, M.D.
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