Saturday, 1 April 2023

BEING MARILYN MONROE (13) SMASH! Musical TV Drama Review, by Alan Ewing






by Alan Ewing Msc, BA Hons, Cert HE

The tv musical drama SMASH was aired in 2012-13, Season 1 was a huge hit.  In its originality, the show revolves around the life of Marilyn Monroe. Life in theatre is a key theme featuring a fictional Broadway theatre. The interwoven plots revolve around the theatrical team who are putting together a a musical about the life of Marilyn. The lives of the characters are shown, with the two actresses who are vying for the part of Miss Monroe, combined with the casting crew, production staff and the minions of theatre who run around after them.

Overall Season 1 is a rip-roaring ride with the rivalries and tensions between the characters providing gripping entertainment. The musical numbers for the musical are wonderfully staged, as are the rehearsals, with choreography shown as the hard-working practice that it is. In addition the cross-references to 21st Century culture are evident, with a Simon Cowell-type Director. The original audition panel form of casting brings to mind shows like 'The X Factor' and 'Amercan Idol' which derived their ideas from theatrical forms of audition. There is also the use of many 21st Century pop songs in various outings for the ensemble.  Woven into this are constant references to Marilyn Monroe's life and how the characters within the show relate to her.  
Overall the experience is a riveting one for any fan of Marilyn Monroe, the costume designs being superb, and then the performances of Katherine McPhee and Megan Hilty being pivotal in this. Season 1 contains great character plot, intriguing storylines, and then of course how all of this relates to Marilyn Monroe.
So, if you are a Marilyn Monroe fan, then this show is for you. 

copyright dewyswriter 2023


BEING MARILYN MONROE (16) The Estate, by Alan Ewing

           BEING MARILYN MONROE: The Estate by Alan Ewing MSc, BA Hons, Cert HE   The proposed demolition of Marily...